Monday, June 8, 2015

4 Things You Should Probably Never Post on Facebook (Or Any Social Media Sites)

Hi guys!

I know it's been a long time since I've posted something here in our small little space in the cyber world, but don't think I've forgotten about you guys! I've just been really busy lately. I have a son now (which I will also talk about in my later posts) and lots of things have been going on so I will take my time to share more interesting stuff with you all.

So of course I've been checking out social media sites especially Facebook and I've been seeing some really crazy posts that I really think is unnecessary (or weird). Not that I really care about what you're posting, but since it's already on the internet, you are placing yourself in a situation where literally anyone can say something about the things that you're posting especially photos. So without further adieu, I bring to you my lists of things that you should probably never post on social media sites.

4. Sexual Encounters

Unless you want to be the next Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton, posting your sexual encounters on social media sites is really unnecessary and most of the time prohibited. And this type of behavior can also be linked to a disorder called exhibitionism if you're doing it on purpose or have done it multiple times already. Most of the times though these photos get leaked through the internet via third party sources (The Fappening, anyone?) and this can only result in giving emotional distress to the people involved. So if you're not planning to be the next porno star, better keep your intimate encounters to yourself.

3. Illegal Drugs

Hey, this is very illegal in every sense of the word. Unless you really don't care about employment, going to jail or getting your ass kicked by your parents (or the police), better keep your sessions to a minimum, at least with no photos or videos involved. You may think that makes you cool, trust me it doesn't. It only makes you a desperate punk whose ignorance got the best of himself.

2. Pictures/Videos of You Hurting Yourself (Or Crying)

For heaven's sake, the world has enough problems of war, hunger and climate change to care for your puny emotions. Emo kids (you know who you are), please get some help. Talk to your friends (if you have any), talk to your parents (if they are still alive) or better yet, get some professional help. Not only is it not funny to see you whining or cutting yourself but it's also pathetic. Again, not my place to care about what you post, but since you're putting it on a public site, you have given me permission to do so.

1. Dead People

Imagine yourself being dead, and then one of your friends or family members takes a photo of you inside the morgue, in your death bed or worst, in your casket or a photo of you laying around somewhere, with blood all over. And you happen to be a ghost who can still access your Facebook, would you like it? I think not. I mean, not all of it is bad though, I think a photo of your entire casket taken from a distance is OK, as long as it doesn't show your cold, very dead face. No matter how beautifully the coroner made you look with his makeup skills. It's just isn't right. And the people who have been checking their Facebook scrolling down for some statuses to comment to or photos to like or people to stalk will eventually see your dead face and will most probably not sleep or check Facebook for at least a week. Maybe it's not that bad of an idea, no really it is.

So do you think there should be more things that needed to be on the list? Or do you agree or disagree with this? Let me know, comment below and don't forget to share! Have great day folks!