Thursday, December 12, 2013

Entertainment: Arrow Season 2 Episode 9 "Three Ghosts" Review

DISCLAIMER: As exciting as this episode of DC and CW's episode might be, I will try my very best to write as few spoilers as possible, because I know it would be useless to write a review of this episode without ever having to give out some details about this very interesting episode for all comic book and Green Arrow fans alike.

This week fans of Arrow just bear witness to a jaw dropping, heart pumping and very revealing episode of DC's very own television series Arrow. Though the series has been going on for 2 seasons now, let me just clarify that this episode is very much worth writing a review for, simply because of the wonderful things that transpired during its 43 minutes airing time.

One of the good points in this episode of Arrow is the showcasing of not only one major DC character, but other minor characters as well (as we have witnessed in their previous episodes). Featured in this episode is the reappearance of none other than Barry Allen, who will later be famously known as The Flash, protector of Central City. And have been reported to have its very own series as a spin-off of Arrow. Another character that we can see during this episode is the villain Cyrus Gold, a villain imbued with superhuman strength and is under the command of Brother Blood, which in turn is under the command of a more powerful individual who will probably give Oliver Queen and his gang some real problems in the future. This individual is actually revealed in this episode but for the sake of those who still haven't watched it yet, I will not do so.

In this episode Oliver Queen comes face to face with people from his past, hence the title "Three Ghosts". These "ghosts" actually helped Oliver in realizing his real purpose of donning the hood while dealing with some minor problems of his own. This is also the first time some people from the island are actually seen on the "present" setting of Arrow. This is also the episode where Oliver Queen dumps his green eye dye to the Green Arrow mask we all know and love. And whose idea was it for him to change the mask? Watch it.

This one.
With all the exciting twists and turns this episode has shown, I personally would rate this episode 9/10, with a very little room for improvement. Since the beginning of this series CW and Arrow has really stepped it up with every episode, and they have actually stepped up big time for this one. For those who haven't seen Arrow or those who have held back due to recent letdowns in comic based television series, this actually is a show worth viewing.

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