Sunday, December 29, 2013

Entertainment: Rurouni Kenshin 2 The Great Kyoto Arc Official Trailer HD 2014 - A Review

To all anime fans especially those who really followed the adventures of our dearest reverse edge sword yielding friend Kenshin Himura from the animated series Samurai X, and to those who have witnessed the wonderful live action adaptation, this is really the sequel to watch for. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the unofficial review of the trailer for one of 2014's sure blockbuster hit Rurouni Kenshin 2: The Great Kyoto Arc.

The trailer starts off with Kenshin ducking and making a run for it above an old Japanese building (I'm just emphasizing the "old" part since this is supposed to be set on an old Japanese era.). And it is then followed by a couple of scenes where you can see the Great Battousai the Manslayer kicking several butts while still following his "Thou Shalt Not Kill" rule, meaning he hits them in strategic areas in the body to render them unconscious or at least unable to fight back temporarily. But nonetheless, it's still awesome! And once again, we will get to see Kenshin in live action doing what he does best.

Going back to the title: The Great Kyoto Arc, this would only mean one thing to those who have watched the animated series: Shishio Makoto, one of the series' villain, will probably be in the movie. And he actually is! He is shown in the later part of the trailer just as Kenshin is drawing his sword. Another hint this trailer has given Samurai X fans a giggle is the fact that Shishio's gang Juppongatana will probably be in the movie with him, as it would be meaningless to not include them since they are Shishio's most trusted company which will pose a great threat to Kenshin and his friends.

Verdict: With this trailer I would probably rate it 8/10, simply cause I did not understand a single Japanese word from the trailer. They could have just placed tiny subtitles for the non Japanese fans but from my point of view, the trailer simply tells it all. It would have been nice to also see a glimpse of Kenshin's friends but I guess they decided to let us enjoy their company while watching the movie itself. But yes, this is a great thing to be looking forward to in 2014! How about you guys? Are you as excited as I am for this coming of this What do you think? Do not be shy to like, comment and share this review with your friends. Cheers everyone and happy new year!

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