Saturday, August 24, 2013

Entertainment: 5 Reasons Ben Affleck Would Be A Good Batman

Ben Affeck as Batman

Warner Bros. and company announced that the next actor to don the cape and cowl for the next Man of Steel movie would be none other than the award winning Ben Affleck. He will be standing side by side with Henry Cavill who will reprise his role as Superman in 2015. And ever since the announcement the amount of uproar and rage over the internet over the casting decision has skyrocketed, even reaching the point of these so called "die hard Batman fans" to file a petition to hopefully reverse the decision. But as far as the movie goes, Ben Affleck is still going to play Batman in the Man of Steel sequel.

Personally, as a huge Caped Crusader fan, I am excited to see how this would turn out for Ben Affleck and the legacy of Batman. For this I present you 5 of the top reasons I can think of why Ben Affleck would likely to pull off a good Batman performance.

5. He was Daredevil.
Yes my friends. This is actually one of the main reasons why a lot of people were outraged by the decision. Ben Affleck disappointed everybody for his poor portrayal of the Daredevil. But for me, that will be one of the things that will fuel him to be better in playing the role of the world's greatest detective. Another good thing to point out is that Daredevil was a Marvel character, which I'll elaborate more later on. Batman is a DC character, and as far as DC using actors who were once deemed as "not fit" to play iconic roles such as Heath Ledger's Joker, I'm kinda seeing a good trend here.

4. He has reinvented himself over the years.
Probably after having made bad movies in the early 2000's, Ben Affleck has gone from being a disappointment to an award-winning actor and director over the course of a few years. This would probably have to do with his experience in directing successful films which changed his views on acting and stuff. Just try to look at his films Gone Baby Gone, The Town and Argo and you'll know what I'm talking about. I think what Ben Affleck needs to do for this movie is to get himself muscled up, train hard in martial arts and give out a unique and cool sounding Bruce Wayne/Batman voice and he'll do just fine. Which I think he is more than capable of doing.

3. This is a DC movie.
Relax, Marvel fans. I'm not trying to wage another never ending DC versus Marvel debate here. In fact, I'm a huge fan of how Marvel managed to create great movies out of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk (depends on your choice) and Captain America and still be able to come out with something bigger and better like the Avengers movie, which went on to become a huge success for the franchise. But I must say (and I think you'll probably agree with me on this one) that earlier Marvel movies had its own fair share of not so good superhero movies like Fantastic 4 and who could ever forget X Men 3, the death of Cyclops? Either way, DC and Warner Bros. have been quite successful in bringing back Superman in Man of Steel. I'm pretty sure they'll do fine on its sequel as well.

2. Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer
In case all of your hopes are gone for this movie (which for God's sake stop it), there is still hope. Christopher Nolan, the super-director for the recent Batman trilogy would still be part of the production team as well as screenwriter David S. Goyer, who was on that same team as well. And of course the director would still be Man of Steel's Zack Snyder. And if still that's not enough reason to trust Ben Affleck being Batman, there's still one more.

1. He knows the size of the shoes he's filling.
Or at least I hope he does. Over the years we all knew how big named actors have ruined a great comic book character in the movies and how some of them managed to actually pull it off. And I'm pretty sure Ben Affleck won't make the same mistake of having nipples on his Bat Armor, or overly roughing up the voice of the Caped Crusader which for a lot of fans was the only flaw in Christian Bale's otherwise superb portrayal of the Batman. And for an actor of his caliber, I'm pretty sure he'll do everything he can to be one of the most memorable actors who ever played Batman (at least in a positive way). After all, as Zack Snyder himself said, it's a Man of Steel sequel.

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