Saturday, August 17, 2013

Moto: Benefits of Having Your Own Wheels

Here in the Philippines, majority of the people don't have their own vehicles. This is mainly the reason why there are a lot (and I mean a lot) of different kinds of public transportation readily available. From taxis, buses, jeepneys, pedicabs and a whole lot more, there is just a lot of different kinds of transportation that you can avail whenever you are in the Philippines. And I, among many of people out here, have grown sick and tired of using these public modes of transportation.

May it be the traffic, the hassle, the constant increase of fare, I have utilized all the different reasons I could ever think of to finally decide to have my own mode of transportation. That's when I decided to get a motorcycle. Nothing too fancy, just a simple Honda CB 110. But this baby, my friends, have been all but fun and convenience ever since I hopped on it. And as I was starting to live the life of a rider, I have realized a few things that would make other people take that next step and get their own private vehicle. Here are some of those.

Avoid Heavy Traffic

Back when I was still commuting, I had to wake up at least 2 hours before my work time just to avoid heavy traffic (I live in Davao City so it's probably less heavier than those of you who live in Metro Manila). And when things gets worse, I'd spend a good 30 to 40 minutes just sitting there inside the jeepney waiting for the traffic to move. When I had a motorcycle, I didn't have to worry about that much time wasted anymore! I could just zigzag my way through heavy traffic, cross streets right before the traffic light turns to red and boom! I'm right where I wanted to be. Having my own set of wheels drastically reduced my commute time.

Reach Places Faster

Now aside from avoiding heavy traffic, having my own transport vehicle has enabled me to go to different places faster that I could ever be when I'm using public transportation, even when riding a taxi. For example, when I want to go from Point A to Point B which would hypothetically be like 20 to 30 kilometers away, it would normally take me about 40 minutes to 1 hour of commute on light traffic. Why? Because jeepneys would have to like stop at almost every intersection to get enough passengers to get them through the day. But when I had the bike, my transport time had significantly dropped to half, or sometimes lesser.

Avoid Stress

Let's face it; sitting there, waiting for cars to move or worrying about how much you'll be paying the taxi driver when you get off is kind of stressful at times. These things however, I haven't thought about much by the time I had my own mode of transportation. Plus, you'll get to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages since its very dangerous to drink and drive thus making you live a healthier life! And if you do the math, you'll simply save more money when spend it on gas instead of spending it on taxis. Having your own set of wheels really has its good benefits. And it outweighs the pros more than the cons.

So my advice? Go out there and get your own vehicle, especially two wheels! Just don't forget to be always extra careful and ride safe.

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