Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tech:The Benefits of Having a Power Bank

With the release of various mobile electronic devices out there such as new smartphones, phablets and tablets, were are always reminded of one thing and one thing alone: their batteries are always not enough for a day's long of use. Sure you can have a great gadget with gigatons of memory for storage, great IPS display from your Gorilla Glass screen, but you can never have enough juice for you gadget to make it last the way you would want it to, no matter how many battery saving apps and schemes you make. This is probably the reason why a lot of technology relying individuals thanked all the gods in the heavens when they finally came out with a solution for these energy hungry gadgets. The answer? The Power Bank.
What exactly is it?
Power banks are like external batteries for your mobile device. Well, they are actually batteries for your device except for the fact that you don't have to pry open the back of your device to put the power bank in to get your gadget back up and running again. It's a simple device with a simple mechanism: plug it to a trusted power source such as a laptop or a socket (if your power bank device comes with an adaptor for it), wait for it to fill up and it will be good to go. For people who travel a lot and don't have the luxury of a power source to charge their already drain phone or tablet, then having a power bank would be a very good purchase for you. Here are a couple reasons why.
Because power banks enables you to power up your gadgets without having to plug it to a power source, it makes the lives of people who travel a lot a bit easier. Running low on battery while stuck on a train to a business meeting? No worries. Simply connect your phone to your power bank to be able to make that very important call you need to make. Stuck in the airport and can't find a portable socket anywhere? Just connect the power bank to your phone and voila! Your worries are done.
Having an Android phone and an iPad running out of juice all at once? No problem. Because power bank can do it all for you. Because power bank manufacturers understands the need for all you gadget users out there, they have made special sockets designed to fit any kind of gadget you might have with you. Now you don't have to worry about having an iPhone and an Android gadget together because you will have a portable power source readily available for your gadgets to use.
Choosing the best name out there
Depending on your choices, there are actually a good number of reputable brands who have released their very own version of a power bank. Brands such as the Limeade Burst, Lepow Moonstone or Newtrent can definitely give you the best kind of power bank for your money. For those who are in a tight budget, you can always get your power bank at local tech stores located near you.

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